lake arrowhead

Processed with VSCOcam with a1 preset

hope you had a great long weekend! we got back from lake arrowhead yesterday afternoon — we had planned on coming back on saturday, but on our way up the mountain – my car stalled out. it was pretty scary to get stuck on this one lane highway when it’s 100 degrees out without water and barely any cell reception, but we were able to call AAA and get towed. we didn’t know what was wrong with the car, so we just had to wait it out to see if they’d be able to fix it in time for us to get back. we had a car rental reservation for saturday but ended up hearing from them in the afternoon that it was ready to go. very stressful – apparently you’re supposed to change your oil. OOPS.

Processed with VSCOcam with a1 preset

we spent the weekend at my cousins boyfriends house and on his boat, we drank a lot and cooked a ton and listened to a lot of 80s music and attempted to kneeboard and got too much sun – i got a gnarly sunburn so i ended up sleeping all of yesterday when we got back instead of doing DIYs for the blog. OOPS.

Processed with VSCOcam with s3 preset

lake arrowhead is a beautiful mountain town with huge trees and the lake is idyllic. we didn’t explore the town but the grocery store is just great. and for fourth of july, they musta spent a million dollars because the fireworks show was unreal. we sat on the boat and drank champagne while we watched and it was perfect. i highly recommend visiting arrowhead if you can.

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now bear with me this week because i have a lot of work and very little time to blog.

and don’t forget to enter the harts & pearls giveaway!

via. almost makes perfect

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