Pete Deevakul photographs garish energy drink cocktails in new book


New York-based photographer Pete Deevakul has shot these splendidly garish photographs for a new book out next year called Energy: Cocktails to get you up, “a guide to making cocktails using energy drinks and other supplements mixed with booze.” Put together by Steph Russ, the book has over 75 enhanced recipes to get you hyped up on a risky-sounding mix of sugar, caffeine and alcohol, but it’s Pete’s illustrative images that bring the whole thing to life.

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Lots of wisdom from Christoph Niemann’s brilliant Reddit AMA


Christoph Niemann is one of our creative heroes, an illustrator and artist whose talent, imagination and sense of humour puts him smack bang in the top drawer. So imagine our excitement when we found out he was doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit yesterday, where he held forth on all manner of topics, from serious illustration insight to his love of butter. Here’s some of the wit and wisdom he shared…

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