10 Of The Hottest Green Technologies

This amazing home embraces nature in a very green way! Aside from the spectacular, there are a lot of simple ways to introduce green technologies into your home. Image Source: Ken Wyner

It’s no secret that the energy you use in your home adds up fast. Between heating, cooling, electricity, water and everything in between, it’s easy to become dismayed at how much energy goes into everyday life.

Add family, friends and the chaos of a busy schedule into the mix and energy usage tends to be an increasing factor. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there for making energy conservation a simple part of your daily routine, and incorporating eco-friendly values into your lifestyle.

Here are 10 of the hottest, most trendy-worthy green technologies that are worthy of consideration:


There are a lot of rooms in your home that can waste energy and cost you a bundle. Kitchens are a big source of wasted energy. Image Source: Aristokraft

1) Water-Saving Technologies

A large portion of energy usage when it comes to water happens with heating. Try a solar water heating system and let the sun do some of the heavy lifting for you.

If that just doesn’t cut it, you can always invest in a tank-less water heating system. The benefit here is that you are only going to heat the water you absolutely need and nothing more!

This makes for a much more sustainable way of living by using only what you need. It makes perfect sense!

bathroom light

Learn to save money with these hot green technologies. You wouldn’t believe how much water you waste in your bathroom! Image Source: Thyme and Place

2) Green Energy

A rooftop wind generator is no longer only for commercial buildings. These days, there are several companies that manufacture and install rooftop wind generators for residential homes, and they can generate up to half of your homes energy needs.

Fit to size, they do the same job as they would for a large complex and you’ll receive all the energy benefits that go along with that.

Additionally, if most of your energy and electricity output is coming from heating and cooling your home—consider installing double pane windows. Designed to hold in heat and retain a cool atmosphere, sometimes a little insulation goes a long way when you’re working towards being green.

If your home has a lot of windows, then consider installing double pane windows–they can keep your home much more comfortable and save you money in the long run. Image Source: Betty Wasserman

3) Green Flooring

While it may not come to mind at first, when you’re going for a green look, consider bamboo flooring. Bamboo is a highly renewable natural resource that is also durable and very moisture resistant.

Similarly, save a tree by replacing wood flooring with Fiberon composite recycled flooring instead. Made from recycled plastic, this flooring looks natural and makes excellent outdoor flooring as well.

If you want to be even more green, then consider avoiding wood all together and opting for polished concrete floors, guaranteed to give your home a modern flair.

kitchen concrete floor

Go green with your flooring by doing something different—you would never guess that this lovely floor is concrete! Image Source: Gladu Design

4) Green Roofing

While they may seem like the green standard, solar panels are by far the biggest asset to any green home. Installation costs are quickly made up for when you see energy bills reduced drastically over time.

If you’re looking for a more natural aesthetic approach, try a garden rooftop. This is exactly what it sounds like and involves an actual gardening patch over the top of eco-friendly roofing to double the effect.

It’s the best of both worlds—growing some green and saving some green!

modern home solar panels

Solar panels on your roof can save you bundles of energy and are worth the investment. Image Source: NZ Builders

5) Sustainable Decorating

Kick the green fun factor up a notch by incorporating inspiring home design and décor into your eco-friendly efforts.

For example, installing a rainwater harvesting system is an incredible way to recycle rainwater for use when watering plants or flushing. This saves an enormous amount of tap water and completes the rain cycle in an efficient manner. Even better, the harvesting system itself can be constructed from recycled plastic and will often double as a pretty planter to display flowers.

Or you can incorporate natural elements into your decor such as twigs, pinecones and acorns. What is better than bringing the outdoors in and getting free decor items for your home ?

traditonal white kitchen

It is easy to decorate your home in a sustainable manner with natural flowers from the garden. Image Source: Hartley and Hill

6) Smart Electronics

Smart electronics are akin to robots who go around shutting the lights of for you when not in use. It can be hard to remember these simple steps that help reduce your energy and electricity use, and you are probably sick of yelling at your kids to shut- off the lights when they leave the room.

If you’re a person that struggles to remember to unplug the appliances when they’re not in use, but you want to keep your home an eco-friendly haven, consider picking up a smart energy power strip.

These handy devices will actually turn off appliances that aren’t being used for you after a certain amount of time and can drastically reduce your electricity count every month. Let technology work on behalf of your green efforts and leave your home everyday knowing that even when you’re gone, you’ll be working towards energy savings and efficiency.

modern kitchen pendant lights

These kitchen lights are amazing, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a energy-saving gadget that remembers to turn them off when not in use? Image Source: Rocco Borghese

7) Green Watering

If you keep a flower garden, or even just plants around your home, then you should consider a rain barrel. It saves on your water bill and helps to conserve water for more necessary purposes, such as showers and dishes.

All you need is a large barrel that you can set outside. As it rains, the barrel will collect rain water, which can then be used for watering your plants.

If you want to fill up your rain barrel even faster, put it under the downspout of your gutter. You can also install a tap to make it easier to get the water back out.

outdoor pond

Reuse rain water in your landscaping, such as this great pond. Image Source: Rugoraff

8) Green Heating

Aside from solar panels, there are other ways to save both money and the environment when it comes to heating your home.
This can happen with a geothermal heat pump. It is true that the initial cost is slightly higher than a traditional heating source.

However, a geothermal heat pump will reduce costs over the long term, and save planet earth. In addition, this type of heating system is much quieter than a traditional one.

Read all about the pros and cons of these heat pumps to see if one is worth your investment.

modern fireplace

This modern fireplace is spectacular, but don’t forget to look into geothermal heat pump technology to heat your home, too. Image Source: Acucraft

9) Green Flushing

Saving on water seems to be one of the hottest things when it comes to green technologies. Your toilet is a source of a lot of water waste and money that literally goes down the drain.

In fact, your traditional toilet actually uses more water than any other fixture in your home. However, with new toilets this can change.

A dual, low flush toilet allows you to use half as much water when you only have liquids in the bowl. It allows you to choose how much water you use each time you flush, saving water and lowering your water bill.

powder room

Consider installing a dula low flush toilet in your home—it saves a lot of water! Image Source: UK Bathrooms

10) Green Management

If you have tried one or more of these options, but are still concerned that you are using too much energy, you should consider energy management technology.

This system provides you with a monitor that lets you know what in your home is using the most energy, either outlet by outlet, or with a whole home energy management system.

All of the data collected is sent to your computer, which allows you to know what needs changed, if anything. Now that is smart technology!

modern home

Consider looking into a whole home energy management system. You will be amazed at the wasted energy in your home and how easy it can be to fix it. Image Source: M-Architecture

While some of these options are simple, others involve installing equipment that will work to help you save energy, even when you’re not home.

Don’t be put off by the cost of these larger eco-friendly items, as green energy tax credits can offset a large part of the initial expense that comes along with making vital green changes in your home! These are 10 of the hottest and most accessible green technologies on the market right now.

Feel free to pick and choose or invest in them all, and watch your home go from energy drainer to energy saver in no time.

What is your favorite green technology?

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