Analogous Color Schemes: What is it & How To Use it?

Analogous color schemes are much more easy to understand than they sound. Grouping three colors together – that sit beside each other – on the color wheel is all that word means. It doesn’t matter which end you’re taking from, just as long as they’re neighbors. Whether it’s red, red-orange and orange or violet, red-violet and red, grouping these like-minded tones together will create an interesting, harmonious and slightly monochromatic look for any room of the house.

When deciding on a scheme of this genre, the directions are simple. First, choose your main mother color and then choose two or three, even, colors on either side of it! Let’s have a peek at some real-life rooms that made this happen and you can get a feel for what they look like and how to use them inside your own home!

1. Red, Red-Orange & Red-Violet

Combining these warm, rich hues creates a relaxing and inviting bedroom with so much easy and simplicity that it’s hard not to want to jump right into bed for an afternoon nap. It’s also got quite the passionate and fiery appeal, don’t you think?

2. Yellow, Yellow-Orange & Orange

For a bright and a bit retro look, you’ll want to take a good look at this trio of vibrant and revitalizing colors. We are smitten over this youthful and spirited bonus area.

3. Blue-Green, Green, Yellow-Green

Smooth and refreshing, this trio of colors sits well on the color wheel and appeases the eyes of all potential visitors. There’s a lightness and brightness about these shades that make it a happy space without being too harsh on the eyes.

4. Blue, Blue-Violet, Violet

Cool and subdued, this living room is super trendy, ultra chic and even a bit feminine in spirits. And everything works so well together because of their positioning on the color wheel and the complimentary undertones.

5. Red, Red-Orange, Orange

Slick, contemporary and a bit retro in some of the furniture shaping,t he colors of this room compliment and add enough brightness and personality to make the entire house shine with delight.{found on susandianaharris}.

6. Green, Yellow-Green, Yellow

This is one of the most perfect examples of a smooth, analogous trio. Using the different shades of yellows and green just right, this living room looks like it’s ready for springtime!{found on jeffandrews}.

7. Blue, Green-Blue, Green

Here’s another great mix of neighboring colors. This mix of blue and greens adds an organic, natural beauty to an already spirited and friendly space in the house.

Remember though, the colors don’t have to be simply stated as “red” or “purple” – you can draw in shades and use pinks or even pastels in this way too. Pinks, lavenders and even mints can be used as long as your staying within partnering colors on the wheel. Just take a look at this handful of beautiful, analogous-inspired rooms!

You’re reading Analogous Color Schemes: What is it & How To Use it? , originally posted on Homedit. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Homedit on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

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