Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The Tower

design TheArtOfPower couch Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The TowerEver leave your phone, laptop or tablet lying on the floor, tethered to a plug like a lonely boat at sea? With two USB ports and four AC outlets, the Tower offers plenty of space to charge all your devices. No more diving behind the headboard to plug in, and no fumbling around for your phone at 4 am. Everything you need is right at hand with this modern looking device recently launched by The Art Of Power. The project can also be wmployed when it comes to clearing desks, as it easily tucks away all extension cords and power strip bricks occupying your work area.
TheArtOfPower bedroom hd Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The TowerRemove the base, and the Tower slips easily behind furniture. It’s out of the way, but right there when you need a charge. The gizmo also comes with a special pocket able to hold standard-sized tablets and mobile phones while charging. We appreciate its highly modern design, very much in tune with contemporary home trends. How would you comment on the appearance and functionality of this product? Do you have a special charger device in your home?  [Photos and information provided via e-mail by The Art Of Power]
TheArtOfPower chairs fh Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The Tower TheArtOfPower office hd Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The Tower TheArtOfPower plugs hd Universal Device Charger Featuring a Sleek Modern Design: The Tower

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