Monster Children Launches “Longform” with Mark Gonzales

“Longform” is the latest series from Monster Children and one that will see the website and publication sitting down for lengthy interviews with those in the worlds of skateboarding, surfing, film, music and more. And what better way to kick off the series than by sitting down with one of the most influential skaters of all time: The Gonz. Here Evan Goodfellow picks Gonzales’ brain as the icon offers up an earful on his artistic endeavors, skating and more. “So,” as MC puts it, “take a seat, get comfortable, and see The Gonz in a way you’ve never seen him before. Best viewed while patting the furs of a ginger felis catus.”


via. Hypebeast

Shai Langen covers bodies in liquid latex fabrics and fermented dough

Emulsified liquid latex stretches over bodies and fermented dough drips from skin in this movie by graduate textile designer Shai Langen. (more…)

via. Dezeen

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