diy marble tray

diy marble tray

my first diy of 2014 and BOY IS IT AN EASY ONE! i seem like certain things a lot. triangles. gems. leather. wood. and marble. so even though i already made my brother get me a marble pastry slab for my birthday, i decided i could use more marble (until i get my marble kitchen countertops someday).

diy marble tray materials

the largest size marble tile you can find at the hardware store (mine were about 8×10)
drawer or cabinet pulls of your choice *
felt sticky pads
industrial strength glue (the strongest stuff you can find)
a ruler and pencil for measuring the distance

* i had a hard time finding cheap brass hardware, so i bought some silver ones and rub n’ buffed them. to save yourself the trouble, just order some brass ones online if you want brass. WHY HAVEN’T THE HARDWARE STORES STARTING STOCKING ANY YET?!

diy marble traydiy marble serving tray


step one . stick four felt pads on each corner on the bottom of your marble

step two . using a ruler, figure out exactly where you want your handles and lightly trace around with a pencil.

step three . glue those babies on, if any glue leaks through like mine clearly did, scrape it off as much as you can with a thin tool (i used a kabob stick)

step four . LET DRY FOR A LOOOOOONG TIME. i waited two days.

diy marble tray by almost makes perfect

you can use this thing of beauty anywhere. i first tried it in the bathroom!

diy marble tray

then i tried it on the coffee table!

diy marble tray by almost makes perfect

then i covered it in stuff i ate!

diy marble tray

i never tried it because i got tired of walking, BUT it could also look really cute on your desk with your pens and paper clips.

now i do recommend you be careful, because this is not for HEAVY DUTY walking around everywhere with it use. just be gentle and i think the tray will hold up just fine!

via. almost makes perfect

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