Brandon Tauszik captures barbershops through these beautifully subtle gifs 


Photographer Brandon Tauszik has focused on the barber shops of Oakland, California, in his series Tapered Throne. Brandon’s interest in barbershops was piqued when he realised how many there were where he lives. “I noticed a total city-wide lack of corporatised barbershops like Supercuts or Fantastic Sams. But there are dozens of independently owned barbershops,” he explains.

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via. It’s Nice That

Charged: Smart LEDs for the Home: From apps for mood lighting to bulbs that help you sleep, five bright ideas that are as innovative as they are illuminating

Charged: Smart LEDs for the Home

Bright ideas are coming from every design sector, as engineers, artists and scientists join industrial designers in creating the technologies and products that will define the future of light. Today, it’s inherently progressive industries like LEDs where one can already begin to observe the next generation. From innovative lighting systems…

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HOME » Brandon Tauszik captures barbershops through these beautifully subtle gifs 

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