Portuguese Royal Studio makes Adobe tutorials look good (and simple!)


Online tutorials: necessary, helpful, but not too often particularly easy on the eye. Congratulations, then, to Portuguese agency Royal Studio, which has created some well-crafted imagery to illustrate a series of tutorials for various Adobe programmes. It makes sense really that tutorials for creative programmes should look great themselves, but alas it isn’t often the case.

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via. It’s Nice That

Bookshelf: Stunning collection of design books from Neal at Present & Correct


I knew the Bookshelf of Present & Correct would be beautiful, but I was in no way prepared for this. Each of Neal’s books makes me so jealous that I’m working out a way to break into his house and raid his shelves for more beauties. From rare Ken Garland books to old publications dedicated to stitching typography, Neal’s got it all, and it’s beautifully photographed too. Wait a minute, who exactly is Neal? He told us in his own words.

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