Nardwuar vs. Snoop Dogg: Find out Who Owes Him Money

In the latest installment of Nardwuar vs., the legendary Snoop Dogg is called upon for his seventh interview with the highly animated interviewer. Throughout the piece, the Long Beach native reminisces on pastime records, discusses his connection with Swamp Dogg, and realizes that the State of Massachusetts actually owes him money along with Tom Brady and Barack Obama. Watch the interview above between the two, who apparently have a long lasting relationship of 15 years together.


via. Hypebeast

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日本最大級のファッション見本市「ファッション ワールド 東京 2014春」(主催:リード エグジビション ジャパン)が4月2日(水)〜4日(金)の3日間、東京ビックサイトで開催される。国際アパレルEXPO、国際バッグEXPO、国際シューズEXPOの3展で構成される同見本市。昨年10月に初開催した「フ…

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