STEAL MAGAZINEでは、プレスリリース等の情報掲載に関するお問い合わせを常に受け付けています。ニュース記事の掲載を希望される企業様・団体様は下記までご連絡を下さい。


  • プロジェクトタイトル
  • 内容
  • 画像または画像がダウンロード出来るリンク(画像は700px以上のサイズが望ましいです。)



We are always accepting inquiries about listing of press releases. Please contact us at the following companies and organizations like like you would like to post a news article.

Email submissions should contain the following:

  • Project title
  • Description
  • Photo(s) or a link to download or view photos (photos must be at least 700px wide – the larger, the better! but no larger than 2 MB each, please)

It’s that simple. We read every email, but since we get so many we cannot respond to everyone, even if we do decide to post your submission.


For other contact, please contact us from the form below.