THE BOX / What about questioning architecture with a cube?

This study started with the idea of questioning the cube we currently use in architecture.
Allocating an uncommon verb to the cubes was a way to explore a new architectural language, questioning what could be possible in architecture, and what could we do with these verbs that are normally not use in Architecture.

We always use verbs like open, split or structure to work with the cube in our architectural projects, but what could we do with the verbs eat, peel, grow …?
l propose the drawings without showing the verbs that define them, to leave each person make their own interpretation, but also to let people travel freely through this collection of minimals graphics that introduce how architects could think.

A graphical book ‘The Box’ with around 100 boxes have then been realized and published by ’51Prod’.

« I’m in a Box. You’re in a Box. She’s in a Box. Will anyone ever dare risking out ? »
[Nico Martin]

THE BOX is also now in sale at HOW:

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